Vastu Tips Women Done These Things Before Sleeping Get Money And Prosperity At Home

Vastu Tips Women Done These Things Before Sleeping Get Money And Prosperity At Home

Vastu Tips: In Hindu religion, the woman of the house is considered to be the embodiment of Mother Lakshmi. Therefore, it is believed that in the house where a woman is happy, Goddess Lakshmi resides there and her blessings are showered upon her. At the same time, in a house where women remain unhappy, there is a pile of sorrows.

The work done by a woman also impacts the family. Astrology and Vastu Shastra have mentioned about some such remedies which can remove all the problems in the house, destroy poverty, remove negative energy and Goddess Lakshmi also becomes happy and showers blessings. But a woman should do these measures before sleeping, only then she will get the benefit. Let us know about these measures.

Women do this work before sleeping

  • According to Vastu Shastra, before sleeping at night, a woman should burn camphor and show it to the entire house. By doing this remedy, negative energy goes away from the house and the circulation of positive energy starts increasing. Along with this, family differences also end. Burning camphor in the bedroom brings sweetness in the marital relationship between husband and wife.
  • Before sleeping at night, a woman should light a mustard oil lamp at the entrance of the house. By doing this remedy, the happiness and prosperity of the house increases and Goddess Lakshmi also remains happy.
  • The lady of the house must light incense sticks in the puja room before sleeping. After this, sleep in the temple of worship with a curtain behind you.
  • Before sleeping, wash your hands and feet thoroughly and meditate on your favorite deity for at least 5 minutes and then sleep.
  • Usually people switch off all the lights in the house before sleeping. But keep in mind that the south-west corner of the house should not be dark. Therefore, you must light a lamp here before sleeping. If it is not possible to light a lamp, then install a small bulb in this direction. If there is light in this direction, the ancestors are pleased and the happiness and prosperity of the house is maintained.

read this also: Thursday Upay: If you are troubled by financial crunch then definitely do these remedies on Thursday, money will arrive.

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